While planning your wedding consumes most of your time and energy, it’s just as important for you and your loved one to give yourself plenty of time to plan your honeymoon.
Particularly with how stressful weddings can be, it’s important that you – as a couple – find a way to blow off steam and enjoy each other’s company without the distractions of everyday life. But how can you create the honeymoon of your dreams? The team here at Complete Getaways has 10 tips to help you along the way.
1. First and foremost, choose your budget
We all dream big, but before you start imagining a cruise through the Greek Isles, think about the realities of your expenses. How much honeymoon can you afford? Don’t worry if your budget is smaller than you’d hoped for. With proper planning, any honeymoon can become a dream come true.
2. Communicate about what a honeymoon means to you
You might think that the perfect honeymoon includes sandy beaches and limitless margaritas. Your soon-to-be-spouse, however, might think that climbing mountains and sleeping in tents is the idyllic getaway. The two of you need to have a conversation – or several – to come to a consensus on what type of honeymoon will keep both of you happy and fulfilled.
3. Choose your destination
Now that you know your budget, and have compromised on what kind of honeymoon you’ll have, it’s time to pick your destination. Here’s a tip: you don’t have to have your honeymoon right after your wedding. Here’s why you might not want to: Many places adjust their rates by season. If you get married in the summer, then flying to Tahiti and staying in a resort there might get expensive. But postponing your honeymoon until the “off season” could save you a considerable amount of money.
4. Turn to the pros
Many couples try to book their honeymoons on their own; they think hiring a travel consultant is an expense they can avoid. But here’s something you may not know: most travel agents don’t cost you a dime. Most agents are paid through hotels and wholesalers, and not through their clients. A consultant can help you save time – and money – while helping you find that dream location you deserve.
5. Take care of all that housekeeping
Many of the couples we work with prefer to take honeymoons outside the U.S. If that sounds like something you’re considering, then make sure you factor in enough time to get your passports, get the shots you need and more.
6. Get some distance
As a leader in organizing destination weddings across the globe, we often see couples choose to honeymoon in the same location where they held their wedding. This is a wonderful idea; except, what you don’t want is for your wedding guests to become honeymoon guests. Protect your privacy. This may mean booking a separate resort or hotel space for your guests, so that you and your loved one can have some alone time.
7. Over-prepare
We always tell our clients to take more money with them than they assume. You’ll be surprised how much spending you do, especially when you’re in the festive honeymoon mood. This is one of the reasons we often help our clients find all-inclusive resorts; these types of resorts help you minimize the type of unexpected spending that often happens on a honeymoon.
8. In your agenda, pack plenty of free time
Whenever folks travel to new places, we tend to try and pack in a lot of adventures and sightseeing. This is great, but it’s also important to squirrel away some time to relax and enjoy your newfound marriage.
9. Be inquisitive
As you plan your honeymoon, don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions. Especially if you work with a travel consultant, the more information you get, the better decisions you’ll make in creating your dream honeymoon.
10. Go with the flow
It’s easy to get stressed out when planning your honeymoon, especially if you’re planning it at the same time as your wedding. But trust us, even if your dream resort or location isn’t available or within budget, there are plenty of options out there. In fact, there’s a whole world of options, and we here at Complete Getaways will help you find and plan the perfect honeymoon for you and your loved one.
Contact us today to learn more!